Windows vs Linux, part 2

Je n’ai pas eu à chercher bien longtemps…

Maintenant, changez le prix des licences de Windows pour 20$…


The increased demands of public cloud and the ecosystem surrounding it has put a premium on Linux professionals. As of the writing of this post the average annual salary is some 33% higher for Linux System Administrators over Windows Systems Administrators.


There are a number of factors that come into play when comparing the costs of Windows over Linux. While it is easy to make a gross generalization that Linux is less expensive or even “free” as compared to Windows, this is an overly simplistic view.

  1. Most everything in business has a cost. Linux, no matter the platform, comes with accompanying administrative costs as quality expertise is either maintained in-house or paid for via a subscription.
  2. Linux subscriptions are more attractive (especially when on-premises) because there is no upfront costs as compared to Windows. However an aggressively negotiated Enterprise Agreement along with the sunk costs of Windows training can narrow the cost differential.
  3. For larger CPU configurations the cost differential for cloud deployments of Windows and Linux increases dramatically because Microsoft forces Windows Servers licenses to follow (partly) per core pricing.  Organizations need to pay special attention as to the type of workload their applications generate and the type of CPU resources that will be required when making a determination of one platform over the other.
  4. Keep in mind the supply and demand of IT personnel with desired skill sets can change the calculus as to which platform(s) will best suit the needs of an organization. Ultimately it may come down to corporate preference and the direction they want to take IT staff.


2 thoughts on “Windows vs Linux, part 2”

  1. Je pense qu’il ne faut pas limiter la réflexion que sur le prix de la licence en tant que tel.

    Le blog ne parle pas des annexes. Le prix d’un outil n’est pas le même en fonction des OS derrière. Le simple choix des outils n’est pas le même.
    Je ne sais pas ce qui est mieux.

    Le coût du personnel est important.
    Il faut prendre en compte aussi lorsqu’on doit maintenir 2 équipes système (Linux et Windows) en parallèle ça coûte très cher. Le mieux est d’uniformiser.

    1. Je suis assez d’accord sur le fait qu’uniformiser est la logique à suivre, pour plusieurs raisons dont le coût, même si du coup on se prive des qualités de la plateforme qu’on a laissé de côté (et il y a forcément des domaines où la plateforme x est bien supérieure à la plateforme y).

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